Gent Dampoort station   Zeehaven-Oost

Zeehaven-Oost   Gent Dampoort station


Practical information

Price €2.70 per reservation + VAT 6%
Dagen monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday
not on holidays

You need a reservation in order to board. Consult the deadlines here.
If you cancel a reservation after the deadline has expired, you will be charged with 50% of the ticket fee.

Itineraries may vary. Max Mobiel guarantees dropping you off at your workplace within 25 minutes after departure, except in case of traffic jams.

Departure times of buses going back to Dampoort can vary slightly. These buses are likely to make several stops. Maximum driving times will not exceed 25 minutes. Please contact the callcenter at 09 274 43 74 (during office hours) in case of problems.

Gent Dampoort station

  • 04:30
  • 05:15
  • 05:50
  • 06:20
  • 07:20
  • 08:30
  • 11:30
  • 12:20
  • 13:20
  • 15:05
  • 17:15
  • 18:45
  • 20:35
  • 21:20



  • 00:10
  • 03:05
  • 05:20
  • 05:45
  • 06:10
  • 10:10
  • 11:55
  • 12:45
  • 13:40
  • 14:10
  • 14:45
  • 16:05
  • 16:45
  • 17:45
  • 18:45
  • 20:00
  • 21:20
  • 22:10
  • 23:10

Gent Dampoort station

first stop
get on
get off
last stop

See other shuttle lines